E‑commerce customer experience

Definition of e-commerce customer experience

E-commerce customer experience, or CX, is how your customers feel throughout their time on your web store. Customer experience plays a large role in purchasing behavior: The more satisfied customers are with their experience in your e-commerce store, the more likely they are to visit your store again, reorder, recommend your store to others and become loyal customers.

What factors into the e-commerce customer experience?

E-commerce customer experience is the way in which your customers view your brand. It’s the culmination of their interactions throughout the customer lifecycle. Meaning that it includes how your brand is perceived before, during and after a sale is made.

Why is e-commerce customer experience important?

B2C companies are leaps and bounds ahead of their B2B counterparts when it comes to digitization. A fact that shows in customer experience. B2B buyers are consumers as well. Just like everyone else, they scroll through social media and make personal purchases online. This experience as a consumer impacts the way they, as a professional buyer, view B2B e-commerce platforms. McKinsey & Company estimates that improvements in e-commerce customer experience can lead to a 10% to 15% reduction in customer churn, 20% to 40% increase in win rates of offers and 50% lower cost to serve.

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Improve your e-commerce customer experience

Attracting and retaining your client base required extensive time and resources. Customers are carefully looked after and fostered over a long period of time, so optimizing your e-commerce customer experience strategy is essential.

  1. Speed: In the digital world, customers expect instant responses, real-time updates, same-day, and even next-hour, delivery. Offering a fast and efficient buying journey to customers could help you get ahead.
  2. Ease: Simplify the customer journey and make it easier for customers to shop with you.
  3. Consistency: It’s common for multiple channels to be used in the B2B buying process. Ensure you deliver a clear, consistent message at every touchpoint.
  4. Relevancy: What do your customers need? What do they expect? Understand what customers in your market, your industry and your region are looking for.
  5. Transparency: Manage customer expectations with transparent communication, ensuring customer loyalty and trust.
  6. Personal touch: Adding a personal touch can go a long way in establishing and building meaningful customer relations.

Learn more about the 6 pillars of B2B e-commerce customer experience.

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