Real-time integration

Definition of real-time integration

Real-time integration targets certain types of variable business data stored in your ERP or e-commerce solution and updates said data in both systems as soon as it detects a change has been made.

How does real-time integration work?

Sana Commerce Cloud makes a distinction between static business data and variable business data. It zeroes in on variable business data for constant tracking. Anytime variable business data is changed either in the ERP or the B2B web store, the program detects this and starts an automatic sync.

What’s the difference between variable data and static data?

Static data is data that was collected or introduced at some point in the past, but rarely changes, if ever. Generally, the format of static data stays the same and it is not transferred often digitally. Examples of static data include your business’ contact information or annual reports.

Variable data (often known as dynamic data) is data that changes often and has multiple points of access where that change can be made. This accessibility can sometimes create hurdles if data has to be changed in more than one location.

Examples of variable business data include order history, pricing data, stock inventory, vendor details, shipping estimates, payment records and more. This is data that your business relies on to be accurate at all times.

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What are the benefits of real-time integration?

Here are the main benefits of Sana Commerce Cloud’s real-time integration:

  • Always up-to-date data: Your data is guaranteed to be correct in both your B2B web store and your ERP. You do not have to waste hours aligning data and ensuring that inventories are correct. No matter where the sale takes place, your business-critical variable data will always be correct.
  • Reduced demand on your ERP: Because Sana Commerce Cloud makes the distinction between static and variable data, Sana does not request large bulk syncs frequently. It targets the information that must be synced individually, reducing the computing demand for your software.
  • Full omnichannel support: All sales and transactions are recorded in your ERP no matter where they originate. For example, it doesn’t matter whether you sell 10 items via your web store, over the phone or at a trade show. All the data will be updated in the ERP and simultaneously updated on the web store. Customers will have an accurate snapshot of your inventories.

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